SLPS-02646ěass Landing 2 'with Tsuricon - only normal version is dumped, differs? ***acquired SLPM-87131ěakuten Shoot BeyBlade 2002 - BeyBattle Tournament 2 - only Genteiban version is dumped, differs? SLPS-02390Ěura Battler Dunbine (Rev 0) - EXE date Koei The Best, Shokai Genteibans, Genteibans, Best Wing, Bandai the Best, and Best of the Best editions usually or often differ from Original editions with software revisions. Suspected Revisions: Some editions consistently or often have different builds.Known Revisions: A rom found floating around the internet (presumably not a preproduction build) has been inspected showing an alternate build than in redump.This list is comprised of two types of discs: Sometimes a software revision will occur when a new edition of the title is released, though usually it won't. Software revisions can occur in the same edition, so there my be no visual difference in packaging for two unique/different builds.

SLPS-03165 Ganso! Doubutsu Uranai + Renai Uranai Puzzle Undumped Revisions SCPS-45124Ědidas Power Soccer International '97 - Born in America Europe Series? unique Asian release? No PlayStation Asian versions of these games are dumped in Redump.