I've used it before and found it quite easy:

There was another Mod installer that has been around for sometime called the Modman which is fairly popular with the GTR2 fans. After that, and before you enter GTR2, you choose which mod you want to run. You install the installer onto an unmodded game then install your mods. The nice thing about the Generic Mod Enabler is that you can install and remove mods at the touch of the mouse. If you still have some problems and/or plan on installing more Mod's in the future than I would suggest maybe getting some Mod installers so you do not have to do it manually every time: Some of the mods out there have other files which you need to place in the sound or team folders, but for the most part you just simply place the contents into the gamedata folder in your main directory and allow it to overwrite. Most mods that I have seen simply state to "copy all files into X:\GTR2 and allow all overwrites", whether it is in English or not.

First is manual which is the easiest in my opinion.